Re: compress(vul) + ftpd(?)

From: H D Moore (sflistat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 01:59:46 PST

  • Next message: Rense Buijen: "RE: DOCSIS vulnerability"

    On Monday 11 March 2002 04:35 am, Pavel Kankovsky wrote:
    > On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, H D Moore wrote:
    > > ftp> mkdir A<254 * 0x90>
    > > ftp> cd A*
    > [...]
    > > ftp> put <reallysmallscode>
    > > ftp> cd ../../../../
    > > ftp> get A*/B*/C*/D*/reallysmallscode.Z
    > Afaik this won't work because glob() does not expand the path unless a file
    > matching the *complete* pattern exists. But if x.Z exists, "get x.Z" will
    > not run compress. Fortunately, we do not get Catch 22 because there is a
    > nice race condition there. To make things better, wu-ftpd appears to
    > compute all filenames matching a pattern during wildcard expansion and
    > drops everything but the first entry of the list afterwards, ie. it is
    > possible to make the delay much longer and easier to exploit.
    Understood, the glob won't match a file name that doesn't exist yet. How 
    would this race condition work? Create a x.Z, make the request, delete it 
    after the glob match but before the final stat()?

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