RE: Rather large MSIE-hole

From: Ryan Sweat (h3xm3at_private)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 10:36:45 PST

  • Next message: Syzop: "Re: Rather large MSIE-hole"

    The parameter you insert, ie: 'c:/winnt/system32/calc.exe', is
    transformed into an ActiveX control in C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program
    Files.  If you view the properties of the control file it creates, you
    will notice that the parameter is listed as the "CodeBase".  In this
    example it would be file://c:\windows\system32\calc.exe.  I don't
    believe it is possible to supply an argument here as it will only accept
    a complete path and filename with no white spaces.  
    The ideal exploit would be the ability to inject code onto the user's
    computer and have it run without supplying arguments.  Georgi Guninski
    has described methods of accomplishing this, however it involves
    Temporary Internet Files and the path to that directory will change
    depending on which user is logged in.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Slow2Show [mailto:sl2shoat_private] 
    Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 3:30 AM
    To: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: Re: Rather large MSIE-hole
    In-Reply-To: <20020313125115.A14918at_private>
    >I havent tried, since i don't run MS, how about ? 
    >var programName=new Array(
    >'c:/winnt/system32/tftp.exe -i GET 
    I tried you idea seems that the codebase 
    will not let you pass any parameters...
    so 'C:/WINDOWS/system32/calc.exe' will work 
    but 'c:/winnt/system32/tftp.exe -i GET 
    ncx99.exe' will not because of the parameters
    I've researched getting this to work by using  unicode 
    chars to see if there was something that you could 
    put in to bypass this...but alas it wont work.note that 
    spaces are allowed in the directory path, but not after 
    the program name.
    so this would work:
    'C:/Program Files/intern~1/IEXPLORER.exe'
    but these wont:
    'C:/Program Files/intern~1/IEXPLORER.exe -k'
    'C:/WINDOWS/system32/ C:'
    //pseudo code...showing the concept of how I tried 
    every Unicode char
         $= unicodeCharAt(i)
         'C:/Program Files/intern~/IEXPLORER.exe$-k'
    The only possible attack vector I can see from this is 
    if you had prior knowledge to the path of a program 
    on a system that you wanted to execute. This is 
    slightly dangerous if you are running as admin 
    because the telnet server could be started by 
    But you would still need a valid user/pass to gain 
    access.(and you should be slapped if you are web 
    browsing as admin)
    I'm glad this hole turned out to be relatively benign... 
    this would have turned into a really dangerous hole 
    and not just an annoying one if parameters could be 
    But don't forget that script kiddies could "boot" you 
    by executing logoff.exe/tsshutdn.exe/tsdiscon.exe/
    if anybody else finds a way of getting the parameters 
    to work....please post to the list.
    University of Florida
    p.s. see ya @ Florida style!!

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