Re: Rather large MSIE-hole

From: Slow2Show (sl2shoat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 16:04:20 PST

  • Next message: RWXLabs: "Re: idq.dll problem??"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    In-Reply-To: <3C911CA2.90409at_private>
    >Another thought... will this bug run an executable
    >from a web page? If so you could just make your
    >own binary to do whatever you wanted. Like 
    > or something
    >along those lines. I would HOPE that it asks to save
    >the file to disk or even better ignore it all together.
    tested on XPPro, IE6 latest patches
    here are my original ActiveX medium settings::
    dl signed activex=prompt
    dl unsigned activex=disable
    init & script unsafe controls=disable
    run activeX=enable
    init & script safe controls=enable
    if you use '' 
    you get an error stating 'your current security settings 
    prohibit running activex...etc.'
    if you use '' it 
    just doesn't work period
    I then changed to these low settings::
    dl signed activex=enable
    dl unsigned activex=prompt
    init & script unsafe controls=prompt
    run activeX=enable
    init & script safe controls=enable
    and I was then prompted if I would like to install and 
    run the exe file
    so that is good...even on the lowest security setting it 
    doesn't work BUT...if you change dl unsigned 
    activex=enable then IE6 will run code from another 
    webserver on the local machine!!!!
    University of Florida

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