Re: Rather large MSIE-hole

From: Joerg Over (overat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 01:27:34 PST

  • Next message: Slow2Show: "Re: Rather large MSIE-hole"

    Hello ...
    What about, generally, not tackling the programName array trying to stuff
    params into it, but the <OBJECT> instead?
    At 17:48 14.03.02 -0500 you wrote:
    ->Another thought... will this bug run an executable from a web page? If 
    ->so you could just make your own binary to do whatever you wanted. Like 
    -> or something along those lines. I 
    ->would HOPE that it asks to save the file to disk or even better ignore 
    ->it all together. Maybe try something like:
    ->var programName=new Array(
    ->    '',
    ->    '',
    One could maybe try the <PARAM NAME=> - tag to pass parameters. Dunno how
    that's transported to the object, though.
    Another attempt might be using the ARCHIVE - attribute of the OBJECT to
    download the trojan (or batchfile if you will, like has been proposed
    here), so you don't need params.
    greetings, -jo

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