Re: Rather large MSIE-hole

From: Slow2Show (sl2shoat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 01:56:02 PST

  • Next message: Walter Jr.: "Re: Buffer overflow in awk"

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    In-Reply-To: <2BCDE6B615475647A66D907BC0AFAF3F02A95B@RC-EXCH01.integres.local>
    >well if activex is enabled, 
    >doing this with a available readable by everyone 
    >windows share works
    john, my testing at home(please verify) shows that 
    getting an exe via file sharing and remote web server 
    follow the same behavior outlined below:
    -with security settings set to medium you get a an 
    error code is executed on "victim" box
    -with security settings set to low you get a choice box 
    (yes/no)....code CAN be executed on "victim" box
    -the only way a user could set themselves up to be 
    vulnerable to this hole is if their "Run Unsigned 
    ActiveX controls" option is set to "enable"....this has 
    to be manually done(or reg)
    Barring any social engineering that gets them to turn 
    down their security settings, I think most users are 
    safe for now.
    all of these unpatched IE6 holes are 
    outrageous....come on MS please put out a patch!
    University of Florida
    "getting an internship in today's economy is like 
    getting a chiapet to grow with out adding the just wont happen"

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