Re: Buffer overflow in awk

From: Walter Jr. (walterjrat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 08:30:22 PST

  • Next message: Jim Harrison (SPG): "RE: idq.dll problem??"

    So does conectiva  2.2.13-9cl , awk 3.0.3
    From: "Max" <flux9at_private>
    > I can reproduce this on Slackware 8.0, but it takes 8177 char's to
    > segfault.
    >> From: keoki [mailto:keokiat_private] 
    > >
    >> A buffer overflow exist in awk(named awk on most 
    >> systems, but actualy is gawk/GNU awk) when calling 
    > the -f option, to include an awk script, and supplying a 
    > filename with a buffer length of 1022 and up. 
    > [root@neural keoki]# awk -f `perl -e 'print "A" x 1022'` 
    > awk: fatal error: internal error 
    > Abort (core dumped)

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