Re: Fw: [Re: Rather large MSIE-hole] another variant

From: Jann Fischer (rezineat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 03:26:32 PST

  • Next message: Benjamin P. Grubin: "RE: Firewall and IDS, (the second way)."

    On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 19:50:05 -0800
    "madness" <madnessat_private> wrote:
    > FYI - Norton AV now picks this up.
    > Scan type:  Realtime Protection Scan
    > Event:  Virus Found!
    > Virus name: XMLid.Exploit
    > File:  C:\XXXXX\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
    > Files\Content.IE5\C9IVKTMJ\simplebind[1].htm
    > Location:  Quarantine
    > Computer:  XXXXXX
    > User:  XXXXXX
    > Action taken:  Clean failed : Quarantine succeeded : Access denied
    > Date found: Fri Mar 15 19:46:32 2002
    > madness.
    Indeed the recent Virii Scanner software pick up this bug. Noticed
    that the other day too, using some recent version of F-Secure.
    Encoding the HTML page into Unicode (UTF-16) will help, i.e.
    $ recode latin1..unicode exploit.html
    When you now browse this page with IE, the browser will happily
    accept the input, render it and execute the code -- the Virii
    scanner on the other hand stays calm, as it obviously doesn't
    care about Unicode at all. I don't know how and if other Virii
    scanners are affected by this "workaround", but I can imagine
    others behave similar to it.
    Jann Fischer <rezineat_private> ::
    FA8C   3663   9906   D8C3   AC16          F7C4   66E0   F351   6D83   9821

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