Re: [Re: Rather large MSIE-hole] another variant

From: Felipe Franciosi (franciozzyat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 20:01:52 PST

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "Re: Firewall and IDS, (the second way)."

    > FYI - Norton AV now picks this up.
    > Scan type:  Realtime Protection Scan
    > Event:  Virus Found!
    > Virus name: XMLid.Exploit
    > File:  C:\XXXXX\Local Settings\Temporary Internet
    > Files\Content.IE5\C9IVKTMJ\simplebind[1].htm
    > Location:  Quarantine
    > Computer:  XXXXXX
    > User:  XXXXXX
    > Action taken:  Clean failed : Quarantine succeeded : Access denied
    > Date found: Fri Mar 15 19:46:32 2002
    > madness.
    My PC CILLIN 2000 also detected the malformed "jpg" files in my
    temporary folder...
    Just as your norton, it placed the files under quarentine.  The
    bad news is that the "malicius web code" scanner is not looking
    for this  "jpg"  files  in real time (when you are browsing the
    While trying to execute something like:
    "c:/ /c echo bin > test",
    "c:/ /c echo GET trojan.exe >> test",
    "c:/windows/ftp.exe ...."
    I came up with something interesting:
    This bug will NOT execute '.com' files. Maybe it's worth trying
    to execute '.bat'  files before attempting to place batch files
    on the victim's computer in order to pass parameters.
    I  found  this  out  by  discovering  that  it will not execute
    "c:/",  so if I'm wrong on my statement, please for-
    give me...  I'm  very  tired  and I'm going to bed now. No more
    tests for today.
    my $.02...

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun Mar 17 2002 - 00:06:10 PST