Re: DOCSIS vulnerability

From: Rob Koliha (rkolihaat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 17:09:20 PST

  • Next message: meat_private: "Re: IDS and SSL"

    Actually speed issues with cable isp's can be caused by several 
    different things.. If they're sending a tech out to fix it (we hope they 
    are looking at your modem signal levels (get docsdiag.jar and see for 
    yourself)) it's more than likely a signal problem.. Typically low 
    downstream power levels (-15dBmv or lower), high upstream power levels 
    (58dBmv or higher), or poor SNR (23 or less) cause slowdowns..  It could 
    also be that your area is over utilized or that there are a lot of 
    customers with better (provisioned faster) speeds and the system is 
    feeding them as much as it can at your expense.. Same deal goes with 
    hacked modems.. I can put 4 modems side by side all provisioned at 1.5mb 
    and everyone on my port (0-100 ppl approx) will start going slower.. 
    Same deal if I make one modem 10 down and 10 up and pull 800kBps from 
    the headend.. Besides various network issues the only other thing I can 
    think of right this second that would slow you down is possibly that 
    your isp is utilizing 100% of their bandwidth at times.. Doing 
    tracroutes before you experience a problem and after would probably give 
    you a good way to check.. If ping times are good the first few hops and 
    they get bad like the 4th-6th hop out (depends on your isp, look for the 
    first ip out that isn't a or (non-private 
    ip)) it could be that they are out of bandwidth..
    vuln-dev moderator: post this if you think it's appropriate, cc'd just 
    in case
    Adam Wheeler wrote:
    >In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.43.0203120939090.9902-200000at_private>
    >Thanks for the informative post.  My company relies heavily on our broadband cable access, and as Technical Director I am responsible for maintaining a secure and reliable network for our employees.  
    >Information like this helps us by giving us a little more leverage with our service provider.  Instead of "Hi, this is 'blah blah' my cable modem seems slow today" and the resulting "We'll send a technician out tomorrow", I can say "Hi, this is 'blah blah'. I just noticed a sudden network slowdown and it looks to me like somebody on my subnet might be hacking their cable modem.  Could I speak to a network administrator?"
    >Information like this can help reduce network downtime from the typical day or two expected from a cable company to an hour or so and save thousands of dollars in lost profits and wasted time.
    >Adam Wheeler
    >Deluxe Business Machines

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