Re: IDS and SSL

From: meat_private
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 18:19:17 PST

  • Next message: Dom De Vitto: "RE: IDS and SSL"

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    I'm not sure everything stated about IDS for web 
    applications and HTTP/S has been entirely correct. 
    For this discussion I'll refer to this class of product as 
    a web application firewall.
    1)	The most effective web application IDS's 
    are not IDS's or resemble anything like a traditional 
    IDS. They are instead reverse proxies or in effect 
    much like proxy firewalls that are designed to only 
    handle web traffic. All of them are capable of blocking 
    invalid requests not just detection.
    2)	SSL processing is moving to the appliance, 
    there are several options available now that can 
    drastically simplify SSL usage for sites that have 
    many web servers. For example, why manage SSL 
    certs on 20 web servers when you can do it once at a 
    central point, and gain a massive performance boost 
    as well?
    3)	SSL encryption can not be snooped without 
    a man in the middle breaking the transmission. 
    4)	Performance wise, most web application 
    firewalls can run at wire speed today or be clustered 
    together to enable the effective handling of high traffic 
    loads.  40,000 new connections per second and multi-
    gigabit speeds are possible – if you had a pipe big 
    enough to support this in the first place. People used 
    to say the exact same things about firewalls, “Single 
    point of failure”, “Bottleneck”, etc… all these issues 
    were addressed and the same is true for web 
    application firewalls.
    5)	HIDS or rather HIPS suffers from several 
    key limitations that limit it’s usefulness for web 
    application protection
    a.	HIPS do not analyze the bi-directional 
    transmission of web traffic and perform request 
    matching to ensure that users are only requesting 
    things they were shown. In English: attacks against 
    the web application (not the web server) can not be 
    detected. (e.g. hidden field manipulation, parameter 
    tampering, cookie tampering, etc…)
    b.	Because the outgoing traffic is not matched 
    with the inbound traffic (e.g a real time security 
    policy), a static policy must be built before the 
    application goes live to control what will be allowed. In 
    addition, attack patterns or signatures will be required 
    to detect most attacks, something that will need to be 
    updated and as the anti-virus world has proven, even 
    with a highly evolved signature distribution network, 
    viruses still can spread like wildfire. 
    c.	HIPS can add a significant CPU overhead 
    to every system they run on.
    6)	A proper Web Application Firewall will build 
    it’s security policies in real time, keeping the client 
    honest in their requests. It’s a very simple concept – 
    don’t allow a client to request anything they haven’t 
    been given as an option. Are their links on your site to 
    the holes used by code red or nimda? No. So why 
    were these requests allowed in the first place? Add to 
    this strong data validation features to control down to 
    the character what you allow in (and how much, don’t 
    forget buffer overflow attacks) and you really are 
    covering your bases. IDS’s and HIDS don’t even 
    come close to this. The web application firewall 
    should build it’s policies based on what’s allowed and 
    block everything else. This is exactly how a firewall is 
    configured today BTW, this concept has been 
    pushed up the stack and extended to the web traffic, 
    where most of the hacks are happening today. 
    Quite frankly I wouldn’t put a web server of any worth 
    on the net without knowing what the content of every 
    inbound request is and that I have a system in place 
    to control and limit those requests. The web server 
    can’t do this, the firewall can’t do this, and HIDS can’t 
    do this either. Blocking it with a web application 
    firewall is the only option that’s available today.  
    There are several products out there, just do a google 
    search on web application firewall.

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