Outlook 2000 and maybe others contain begin 666 filename.exe or filename.whatever

From: Adonis.No.Spam (adonis1at_private)
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 05:07:37 PST

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    Hash: SHA1
              0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100
                              /    NtWaK0 Bugs  \
    Affected         : Outlook 2000 and maybe others                        :
    Type             : Create any file type by sending a body message that  :
                     : contain begin 666 filename.exe or filename.whatever  :
    Date             : 23-03-2002                                           :
    Author           : NtWaK0 @ www.SafeHack.com                            :
     Create Attachement Using begin 666 \
    +-----------.                                                           :
     Disclaimer  \                                                          :
    The information in this advisory is believed to be true based on        :
    experiments though it may be false. The opinions expressed in this      :
    advisory and program are my own and NOT of any company.                 :
    In Fact I do not work for no one at the present time.                   :
    This material is presented for informational and entertainment purposes :
    only, and to satisfy the curious. Any activities described in this file :
    which involve vandalism, theft, or any other illegal activities are     :
    recounted from third-party conversations. I do not condone or encourage :
    vandalism or theft. I do not accept any liability for anything anyone   :
    does with this information.                                             :
    Remember: Use a computer in ways that ensure respect for your fellows.  :
    +-------.                                                               :
     T.O.C.  \                                                              :
       [  Brief History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .line 47 ]:
       [  The Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .line 82 ]:
       [  The Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .line 195 ]:
    +-------------.                                                         :
     Brief History \                                                        :
    Follow up on the first post.                                            :
    After testing a bit more the beging uucode. I found that not only       :
    begin 666 will create an attachement file But any header that follow    :
    uucode standard.                                                        :
    I have attacked an extract of uucode defenition below.                  :
    The body of the message start with the word "begin 666" followed by     :
    any filename you like to create.                                        :
    This sequence of characters is identical to that of the header for a    :
    file attachment that is encoded in UUencode format.                     :
    For this reason, the message is incorrectly interpreted as an encoded   :
    attachment.                                                             :
    This problem only occurs in messages that you receive in plain text     :
    format.                                                                 :
    This problem maybe occurs in Microsoft Outlook express too I did not    :
    test it... I am going to do more tests using the begin something.       :
    This can lead to bigger problem. I just hope that microsoft work on it  :
    whenever they can.                                                      :
    But if one line message body can create an attachement this of course   :
    does not lead to a SECURE mail client.                                  :
    +---------------------------+                                           :
     >>> Test OS Applications <<<                                           :
    +---------------------------+                                           :
    Tested on Windows 2K with outlook 2000 and patchs                       :
    +-----------.                                                           :
     The Problem \                                                          :
    The body of the message starts with the word "begin" followed by one    :
    space and the application that you like to RUN.                         :
    I have tried begin and two spaces and this did not lead to attachement  :
    creation. As mentioned in at MS site at the following URL:              :
    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q265230         :
    But I was able to create attachement by sending begin 666 filename.exe  :
    See detail below.                                                       :
    [Extracted From http://www.fht-esslingen.de/~clfuit00/sasnt/uucode/ ]
           uuencode - format of an encoded uuencode file
           Files output by uuencode(1) consist of a header line, fol­
           lowed by a number of body lines, and a trailer line.   The
           uudecode(1)  command  will  ignore any lines preceding the
           header or following the trailer.  Lines preceding a header
           must not, of course, look like a header.
           The  header  line  is  distinguished by having the first 6
           characters begin  The word begin is followed by a mode (in
           octal), and a string which names the remote file.  A space
           separates the three items in the header line.
           The body consists of a number of lines, each  at  most  62
           characters  long  (including the trailing newline).  These
           consist of a character count, followed by encoded  charac­
           ters,  followed  by  a  newline.  The character count is a
           single printing character, and represents an integer,  the
           number  of  bytes  the  rest of the line represents.  Such
           integers are always in the range from 0 to 63 and  can  be
           determined  by  subtracting the character space (octal 40)
           from the character.
           Groups of 3 bytes are stored in 4 characters, 6  bits  per
           character.   All are offset by a space to make the charac­
           ters printing.  The last line may be shorter than the nor­
           mal  45  bytes.   If the size is not a multiple of 3, this
           fact can be determined by the value of the  count  on  the
           last  line.   Extra  garbage  will be included to make the
           character count a multiple of 4.  The body  is  terminated
           by a line with a count of zero.  This line consists of one
           ASCII space.
           The trailer line consists of end on a line by itself.
           uuencode(1), uudecode(1), uusend(1), uucp(1), mail(1)
           The uuencode file format appeared in BSD 4.0 .
        ================                                                    :
    >>> Proof-Of-Concept <<<                                                :
        ================                                                    :
    Test # 00                                                               :
    =========                                                               :
    Send your self a mail with a subject whatever you like.                 :
    In the body type: begin 666 notepad.exe                                 :
    Click Send                                                              :
    Check your mail. Now you should have a mail with ATTACHEMENT.           :
    The attackement will be NOTEPAD.EXE.                                    :
    If you have your outlook set to stop .exe that mail will be rejected    :
    and you will get "Outlook has blocked access to Notepad.exe.            :
    I have no idea why the file was Created. I just used normal text :).    :
    Test # 01                                                               :
    =========                                                               :
    I have done another test with a message body:                           :
    begin 666 testtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.txt                        :
    This will create a file called testtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.txt.  :
    as attachement. The file is empty if you try to open it.                :
    Test # 02                                                               :
    =========                                                               :
    I created a file mail with a message body:                              :
    begin 666 testttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-:
    tttt.txt                                                                :
    This did not create an attachment So their is a limite to the text      :
    size.                                                                   :
    Test # 03                                                               :
    =========                                                               :
    begin 666 testttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt-:
    tt.txt                                                                  :
    This created an attachement with a filename :                           :
    testttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.txt     :
    Imagine someone spam your mail server with Only one line body message   :
    example begin 666 virus.exe                                             :
    I am not sure if your ANTI-VIRUS protection wont be over-Booked.        :
    This bug is similar to but not the Same AT ALL.                         :
    http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q265230         :
    +------------.                                                          :
     The Solution \                                                         :
    This mail was sent to the Vendor too (Microsoft)                        :
    Version: PGP 7.1
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    The only secure computer is one that's unplugged, locked in a safe,
    and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location... and i'm
    not even too sure about that one"--Dennis Huges, FBI.
    Live Well Do Good  www.SafeHack.com                         |
    Je Pense, Donc Je Suis                                    \(|)/
                                                               /`\  NtWaK0
    -=- Use a computer in a ways that ensure respect for your fellow     -=-

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