Re: Ph.D Network/Internet/Web/App security

From: Jeff Nathan (jeffat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 14:03:48 PST

  • Next message: Bill Pennington: "Re: Wireless device vulnerability?"

    narsimha chary wrote:
    > Hello list,
    > I have a M.S(computer science) degree and working
    > in
    > web/application security area. I am looking for
    > good  educational resources/schools to do my Ph.D
    > in
    > Internet/Network/Web security area. Any information
    > about accredited schools will be grealty appreciated.
    > Kind regards
    > Narsimha
    I would highly recommend CITI at the University of Michigan.  Peter
    Honeyman is brilliant and everyone I've met who has worked with him has
    gone on to do do incredible things.
    --            (pgp key available)
    "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
    - Albert Einstein

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