-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello All, I can confirm that the ls strings dos' slackware 8.0. Causes shell process of that user (user or root) to chew up the cpu until the shell terminates on sig 11. Works on any shell the user is using, csh, ksh, bash Tested on: Linux 2.2.19 #93 Thu Jun 21 01:09:03 PDT 2001 i586 unknown SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise Not Vuln: OpenBSD 3.0 GENERIC#94 i386 Needs more investigation. Gilbert At 03:40 PM 3/29/2002, martin f krafft wrote: > ls */../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../* ... > DenyFilter \*.*/ Just as a quick question, why not deny the string "/../" (you may have to deny the regex "/\.\./", depending how the filter in question works)? As far as I can tell, it's the ability to embed "/../" into a path that is at the root of this, far more than the ability to embed wildcards. I can't think of a situation in which "/../" should appear in a user-supplied path, except after a string of repeated "../"s. The workaround suggested by Mr Krafft would disable some useful functionality - one large user of mine, for instance, was keen to have my own software evaluate wildcards in the body of the path, which Mr Krafft's workaround disables completely. They even paid for the privilege (not enough, but they paid ;-)) So, let's see, a regex that would deny "/../", except as part of a string of such... One bash would be "[^/.].*/\.\./" - matching "/../" if it's after any character other than '/' or '.'. Doubtless someone can come up with something better. Alun. ~~~~ - -- Texas Imperial Software | Try WFTPD, the Windows FTP Server. Find us at 1602 Harvest Moon Place | http://www.wftpd.com or email alunat_private Cedar Park TX 78613-1419 | VISA/MC accepted. NT-based sites, be sure to Fax/Voice +1(512)258-9858 | read details of WFTPD Pro for NT. Hush provide the worlds most secure, easy to use online applications - which solution is right for you? HushMail Secure Email http://www.hushmail.com/ HushDrive Secure Online Storage http://www.hushmail.com/hushdrive/ Hush Business - security for your Business http://www.hush.com/ Hush Enterprise - Secure Solutions for your Enterprise http://www.hush.com/ Looking for a good deal on a domain name? http://www.hush.com/partners/offers.cgi?id=domainpeople -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: Hush 2.1 Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com wlwEARECABwFAjyr6acVHHJlYWt0b3JAaHVzaG1haWwuY29tAAoJEJajR/iRqwen8mkA oKWAhCudyOHNoO0TfIeYih8gNz+LAJwNhnWkwhJz0GVeZ4sAuxTE9JP5PA== =Sgqo -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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