Re: DoS in Shells: was Re: DoS in debian (potato) proftpd: 1.2.0pre10-2.0potato1

From: Chip McClure (vhm3at_private)
Date: Thu Apr 04 2002 - 09:06:13 PST

  • Next message: Whitecell Security Systems: "(WSS-Advisories-02003) PHPBB BBcode Process Vulnerability"

    Hash: SHA1
    Also tested, and vulnerable on:
    FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE #0: Mon Jan 28 14:31:56 GMT 2002
    murrayat_private:/usr/src/sys/compile/GENERIC  i386
    Tested using the shells bash, csh, ksh, zsh.
    - -----
    Chip McClure
    Sr. Unix Administrator
    GigGuardian, Inc.
    - -----
    On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 reaktorat_private wrote:
    > Hello All,
    > I can confirm that the ls strings dos' slackware 8.0. Causes shell process of that user (user or root) to chew up the cpu until the shell terminates on sig 11.
    > Works on any shell the user is using, csh, ksh, bash
    > Tested on:
    > Linux 2.2.19 #93 Thu Jun 21 01:09:03 PDT 2001 i586 unknown
    > SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
    > Not Vuln:
    > OpenBSD 3.0 GENERIC#94 i386
    > Needs more investigation.
    > Gilbert
    > At 03:40 PM 3/29/2002, martin f krafft wrote:
    > >   ls */../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*/../*
    > ...
    > >   DenyFilter \*.*/
    > Just as a quick question, why not deny the string "/../" (you may have to
    > deny the regex "/\.\./", depending how the filter in question works)?
    > As far as I can tell, it's the ability to embed "/../" into a path that is
    > at the root of this, far more than the ability to embed wildcards.  I can't
    > think of a situation in which "/../" should appear in a user-supplied path,
    > except after a string of repeated "../"s.
    > The workaround suggested by Mr Krafft would disable some useful
    > functionality - one large user of mine, for instance, was keen to have my
    > own software evaluate wildcards in the body of the path, which Mr Krafft's
    > workaround disables completely.  They even paid for the privilege (not
    > enough, but they paid ;-))
    > So, let's see, a regex that would deny "/../", except as part of a string
    > of such...
    > One bash would be "[^/.].*/\.\./" - matching "/../" if it's after any
    > character other than '/' or '.'.  Doubtless someone can come up with
    > something better.
    > Alun.
    > ~~~~
    > --
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    > Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
    > Internal development version only - not for general release.
    > (c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
    > Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.
    > File is signed.  signature not checked.
    > Signature made 2002/04/04 05:51 GMT
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    > WARNING:  Because this public key is not certified with a trusted
    > signature, it is not known with high confidence that this public key
    > actually belongs to: "(KeyID: 0x91AB07A7)".
    > wiping file pgptemp.$00pattern is: 0xffffffff
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