Re: Challenge

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 09:33:39 PDT

  • Next message: MegaHz: "Re: greek characters buffer overflow, AGAIN!"

    The point of my allowing through a post like this is to let interested 
    parties know about the contest, not generate a discussion.  I've let 
    through a few of the obligatory snake oil posts.  It's good to see that so 
    many readers keep up on their Schneier.
    I can't argue with the idea the product is snake oil, or that the contests 
    are a bad idea, or that they don't prove anything.  (Well, not quite 
    true... if it is broken, then it is proved that it is broken.  Otherwise, 
    it not being broken doesn't prove anything.)
    I intend to allow announcement of other similar contests here in the 
    future.  I consider it to be on-topic.  It's up to you whether you want to 
    participate or not.
    nocon wrote:
    >   Anyone seen this ? Looks interesting. 

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