Hi all, Thanks to the clever, yet simple, remark of Thor Larholm on the testing of the MS02-18 Patch level, I wrote a small, quick-n-dirty perl script that allows one to check the patch level of MS02-18 in a user-friendly manner. Have fun! </Filip> #!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################## # (c) Filip Maertens/CISSP, Simple MS02-18 Patch Level Checker # # DISCLAIMER: This tool is only to be used for legitimate purposes only. # This is considered as an intrusive, so please adhere to the laws and # regulations applicable in your country. Oh, and honey, there is pizza # in the fridge... # # CREDITS: @stake/KPMG for the advisory # Thor Larholm for the patch identification remark # ######################################################################## use Socket; print "iischeck.pl | Remote MS02-18 Patch Level Checker | <filip\@securax.be>\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $host= @ARGV[ 0 ]; $method= @ARGV[ 2 ]; my $target = inet_aton($host); $port = 80; $requestmethod[0] = "GET"; $requestmethod[1] = "HEAD"; $requestmethod[2] = "POST"; # Initializing strings & vars $patchedstring = "InsertElementAnchor"; $nonpatchedstring = "document.write"; $bogusurl = "/xxxiischeckxxx"; # Main loop of rotten code if ($host ne "") { print " -- Checking hostname: $host\n"; $rawrequest = "$requestmethod[$method] $bogusurl HTTP/1.1\nClient-Agent:iischeck.pl\nHost:$host\r\n\r\n"; @results = sendrequestandgetanswer($rawrequest); $criticalline = $results[49]; # 49, since HTTP headers are included if ($results[2] =~ "IIS") { SWITCH: { if ($criticalline =~ $nonpatchedstring) { $patched = " -- Status: System vulnerable."; last SWITCH; } if ($criticalline =~ $patchedstring) { $patched = " -- Status: System MS02-18 patched."; last SWITCH; } $patched = " -- Status: Cannot identify patch level"; } print "$patched\n\n"; } else { print " -- Error: System is not a Windows/IIS host.\n\n"; } } else { showusage(); } exit(0); #######: Functions used by iischeck.pl :####### sub showusage { print "Usage: iischeck [hostname] -method [method]\n\t-> Method: 1 = HEAD\n\t-> Method: 2 = POST\n\n"; } sub sendrequestandgetanswer { my ($rawrequest)= @_; @lines = sendrawandgetanswer ($rawrequest); return @lines; } sub sendrawandgetanswer { my ($pstr)=@_; socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp') || 0) || die(" -- Error in creating socket\n"); if (connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,$port,$target)) { my @in=""; select(S); $|=1; print $pstr; while(<S>) { push @in,$_; last if ($line=~ /^[\r\n]+$/ ); } select(STDOUT); return @in; } else { die(" -- Error connecting to: $host\n"); } } sub sendraw { my ($pstr)=@_; socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp') || 0) || die("Socket problems\n"); if (connect(S,pack "SnA4x8",2,$port,$target)) { my @in=""; select(S); $|=1; print $pstr; } else { die(" -- Connection problems.\n"); } }
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