Re: cross site scripting ?

From: Sverre H. Huseby (shhat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 03:55:04 PDT

  • Next message: Didier Arenzana: "Re: Buffer overflow or overrun?"

    |   Q: Why the name "Cross Site Scripting"?
    |   A: This issue isn't just about scripting, and there isn't 
    |   necessarily anything cross site about it. So why the name? 
    |   It was coined earlier on when the problem was less 
    |   understood, and it stuck.
    I think the misuse of the term relates to the CERT advisory
    CA-2002-02, "Malicious HTML Tags Embedded in Client Web Requests" at
    The advisory talks about several ways to include script code in web
    pages.  One way exploits browser vulnerabilities, in which browsers
    fail to make sure documents of different origins are not allowed to
    interfer with one another.  The CERT advisory calls this particular
    problem "Cross-site Scripting".  For some reason, the term is now used
    for every problem outlined by the CERT advisory (and then some).
    I may, of course, be totally wrong. :)
    shhat_private			Computer Geek?  Try my Nerd Quiz

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