Re: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?

From: El C0chin0 (mr.nastyat_private)
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 19:23:27 PDT

  • Next message: Times Enemy: "RE: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?"

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    In-Reply-To: <3CD097DA.2090309at_private>
    Very good point, while working with a Government Agency a 
    few years ago, I was doing a vulnerability assessment and 
    showed them how vulnerable their system was.  (two mouse 
    clicks away from the password file - that's what got to DC)
    They were also using wlan and I suggested that we at least 
    test it.  They didn't want to ruffle the feathers of the 
    director of the hospital since we had already embarrassed 
    him about the password file.
    They would have rather sent a team of gun carring 
    investigators to set up a sniffer to check for porn.
    That's why this country is so secure.
    >Another anonymous comment:
    >What is more scary than CCs, many drug stores & hospitals 
    have their
    >business connected via unencrypted 802.11b.  I thought 
    that medical
    >companies were required to do all things neccesary to 
    protect medical
    >records.  I'm surprised that many companies have not been 
    sued over
    >this one yet.
    >						BB

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