RE: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?

From: Times Enemy (timesat_private)
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 19:45:15 PDT

  • Next message: Mike Smith: "RE: SECURITY CAMERA WAR DRIVING"

    A few things, as i have been reading the thread ...
    If Best Buy owns the parking lot, would it be considered "public" airspace?
    I forget the laws regarding land which is "used as" public, but is indeed,
    pun intended, private.
    Best Buy also has it's own credit applications, for in house credit cards.
    Paperwork is filled out, entered into a computer, and *PERHAPS* transmitted
    via WLAN.  This would be pure, uncut credit information.
    Concerning scams, there could be a high potential for scams, run against
    Best Buy, and similiarly vulnerable businesses.  No brainer: It would be in
    their "best" interest, to secure against such fraudulent activities.  It
    would also be in their customers "best" interests, for obvious reasons.
    Um, "Kris Herzog," Best Buy is a large corporation.  :: blinks ::
    Attonbitus Deus, lol, "anyone who has [w]orked in Reno knows it is almost
    impossible to get good data with the casino's all blasting everyone's
    financial information up and down the spectrum ;)."  Isn't DC in Vegas ...?
    Concerning Pets Mart, they've been vulnerable via their WLAN for over a year
    .times enemy

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