Re: static char overflow

From: - OUAH - (ouah_at_private)
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 05:00:27 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Bloomquist: "Re: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?"

    ouah@weed:~$ gcc -g tr.c -o tr
    ouah@weed:~$ gdb tr -q
    (gdb) l
    1       main(int argc,char **argv)
    2       {
    3         static char buf [1024];
    4       strcpy(buf,argv[1]);
    5       printf("%s",buf);
    6       }
    (gdb) b 5
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048443: file tr.c, line 5.
    (gdb)  r AAA
    Starting program: /home/ouah/tr AAA
    Breakpoint 1, main (argc=2, argv=0xbffff9b4) at tr.c:5
    5       printf("%s",buf);
    (gdb) info symbol buf
    buf.3 in section .bss
    (gdb) q
    The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y
    ouah@weed:~$ size -A -x tr | grep -1 bss
    .dynamic           0xa0   0x80494f8
    .sbss               0x0   0x8049598
    .bss              0x420   0x80495a0
    .stab             0x93c         0x0
    you can see your buffer is located at bss section and there isnt another 
    contiguous section after. you can make the vulnerable proggie
    segfault but only as it write to an unauthorized section (you cannot write 
    after the bss section!). So this code is NOT exploitable (you can have a DoS 
    but you cannot get a shell) in modern Linux. Maybe it can be exploitable in 
    other OS (and what about other file format than ELF?). I heard that it can 
    be exploited in old linux if it is compiled as static (as ELF sections will 
    not be in the same order).
    Note: If you buffer was initialised (=> go to .data section), you could 
    overwrite dtors section and exploit it.
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