RE: Online Games Consoles and Security Implications

From: Evans, TJ (tjevansat_private)
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 02:57:31 PDT

  • Next message: SpaceWalker: "Re: OT? Are chroots immune to buffer overflows?"

    Not to step into an area that I know little about <xbox security>; but I
    think " If Microsoft could secure a game console running Win2K you'd imagine
    Win2K and XP would be a lot more secure then they appear to be." Is
    something of a logical fallacy.
    Keep in mind - we are talking about separate worlds here - a game console is
    something that, for the most part, need to perform *ONE SET OF FUNCTIONS*.
    Making hardware, software and peripherals work together in a secure, FAST
    fashion when you only need to do 1 set of functions, and when user tinkering
    is <by default> limited/non-existent (not counting those of you who crack
    the case open and really get into them :)> is *nowehere* near as difficult
    as trying to make an OS/platform that needs to support thousands of pieces
    of 3rd party software, hardware and has users breaking it in countless
    unimaginable ways ...
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Elan Hasson [mailto:elanat_private] 
    Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 10:25 PM
    To: Stan Bubrouski
    Cc: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: RE: Online Games Consoles and Security Implications
    heh, nintendo was cool..
    I own an xbox myself. I'm VERY happy with it. i should probably install
    the xdk again and post some of the docs to the list. It was saying how all
    the packets are encrypted and stuff and how it can take a DoS (for
    example, something that could 'clog the pipe') and be able to drop the
    packets and sort through the garbage-data and not affect game performace
    packets or something.
    Yes, it does run a Windows2000 kernel (slimmed down of course) I've even
    played with dissassembling xbox images. Its nice stuff. VERY nice. MS did
    an excellent job with it. the fact that all of the software runs on a
    harddrive and isn't on a chip is a BIG plus. That gives the ability for
    people to download updates and stuff to it...hehe XBOX-service pack 1
    anyone? HEH!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Stan Bubrouski [mailto:stanat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 8:15 PM
    To: Elan Hasson
    Subject: Re: Online Games Consoles and Security Implications
    Elan Hasson wrote:
    > The xbox is VERY secure, read the docs on Network Security in the SDK.
    > MS even has a bit in there about Denial Of Service..and how the xbox can
    > handle it and not affect game performance.
    REDICULOUS.  They call Win2k very secure.  They call IE very secure.
    The bottom line is that it is a Microsoft product with embedded Win2k
    code (correct?).  This is quite the contrary to what you suggest.  If
    Microsoft could secure a game console running Win2K you'd imagine Win2K
    and XP would be a lot more secure then they appear to be.  What
    Microsoft writes and what Microsoft does are two different things, you
    can't guarentee security, you can only try to ensure it by taking the
    proper steps.  I recall Bill Gates calling Windows one of the most
    secure OS's, A FLAT OUT LIE.
    Not trying to start a flame war, so let's not, just pointing out to kids
    that might be reading this, that there is no proof the XBoX is more
    secure than PS2 or anything else.  You want security, pull out your old
    1986 nintendo ;-)
    Best Regards,
    Stan Bubrouski
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