Re: Coding Conservative CGI Perl

From: Joerg Over (overat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 11:54:41 PDT

  • Next message: hellNbak: "Re: internet explorer view-source url"

    Am 00:27 10.06.02 -0500 schrubst Du:
    ->print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
    ->print "SUP!<BR>";
    ->This will not work but recoded to work (not having spaces) would be:
    ->You can have just about any character other than spaces... I'm no good
    with perl really unfournately although I have read quite a number of
    articles the only thing I've successfully found remotely useful was using
    print($ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}); to find the location of the file heh.
    perl is quiet flexible in that respect.
    Since you seemingly can use newlines, just use them wherever you otherwise
    can't avoid a space.
    Greetings, jo

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