
From: dullienat_private
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 12:13:19 PDT

  • Next message: Deus, Attonbitus: "RE: Plain text password for Microsoft (icwip.dun)"

    Hey Blue Boar, all,
    BB> One nice, real improvement that could be made to the x86 family is to have
    BB> things like real read-only memory segments, real code and data seperation, 
    BB> etc... which is what you need to prevent overflows in hardware.
    We do have real read-only pages, and they're used all over your
    system. With PaX you have read-only-not-execute-pages.
    "Real Code and Data Seperation" -- What do you mean by this ?
    Generally Palladium is a very stupid move -- they claim at the one end
    that Palladium is necessary, coz the existing security measures break
    under the assumption that the trusted computing base cna be violated
    via a kernel level exploit. Then they propose Palladium as a solution.
    They do not mention that Palladium fails given the same assumption.
    Sometimes I really really dislike Microsoft.

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