Re: [7.8.2002 44916] Notice of Copyright Infringement

From: Ehkz (Ehkzat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 11 2002 - 12:13:08 PDT

  • Next message: Brooke, O'neil (EXP): "Lessons Learned from the MPAA's use of DCMA"

        They probably do like every other company does. They hire a dozen geeky
    teenagers and have them comb the web for file sharing file distribution
    networks, and then try out the software.
        Actually, if you think about it, they only go after the companys that
    are really big as far as network user numbers are concerned. This would seem
    to indicate they believe freedom in music files across the internet would be
    the goal, and they are the goal tender. If this was the case, then I'm
    willing to bet they only start a suit against a company after the words out,
    and everyones hopping on the bandwagon. This would not only save them many
    law dollars, but would be the best approach for making an example out of
    their target. Napster, kazaa, all of the gnutella file sharing network...
    Whats next? I'm willing to bet sometime in the future if this goes
    unchecked, we'll be looking at some form of file checkin service before the
    data can be passed across the internet. How "1984" is that? :)
    3ckz < 3ckzat_private >
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <vodkaat_private>
    To: <vuln-devat_private>
    Cc: <vdhat_private>
    Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 4:41 AM
    Subject: Re: [7.8.2002 44916] Notice of Copyright Infringement
    > Vicne said:
    > > That could be porn you were hiding from your parents, so you renamed it
    > > to movies they hate, so they wouldn't look at it.
    > If that was the case...
    > You're still using their copyrighted movie titles on your porn and
    > distributing them as property of those movie companies.
    > It's kinda like me taking bottles of water and putting "Coca Cola" labels
    > them, and giving them out for free.
    > I wonder how the MPAA is catching people though.  Do they have like p2p
    > spider bots or something?

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