Re: Smashing the Stack?

From: fila (filaat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 01:12:46 PDT

  • Next message: McAllister, Andrew: "RE: Lindows Issues"

    On Thursday 18 July 2002 02:28 am, yatima wrote:
    > The discrepancy you are seeing is merely an artifact that dates
    > Aleph1's article. GCC has changed quite a bit since, try not to get
    > hung up on those details. I know its difficult when following step by
    > step :-). As you continue, you will begin to see how blind compilers
    > are. Although GCC is pretty phat, it is pretty damn blind, and has to
    > make many assumptions. Aleph1's article is the most common, but I
    > REALLY suggest taking a look at Mixter's paper:
    the real question is how did the gcc developers come to this solution ?
    I mean ... it looks pretty stupid. for a 3 chars buffer the compiler 
    alocates 24 bytes and for a 4 chars buff only 4 bytes ?!?!?!
    the same problem you encounter if you go further with your exploration:
    for a 7 chars buff -> 24 bytes
    for a 8 chars buff -> 8 bytes :)))))))))))
    isn't it dumb ? it's been allready a pretty long time since I keep 
    looking for somebody to explain why does the gcc alocate space in this 

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