Re: Smashing the Stack?

From: Dan Kaminsky (danat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 10:29:13 PDT

  • Next message: KF: "Re: Lindows Issues"

    >the real question is how did the gcc developers come to this solution ?
    >I mean ... it looks pretty stupid. for a 3 chars buffer the compiler 
    >alocates 24 bytes and for a 4 chars buff only 4 bytes ?!?!?!
    >the same problem you encounter if you go further with your exploration:
    >for a 7 chars buff -> 24 bytes
    >for a 8 chars buff -> 8 bytes :)))))))))))
    >isn't it dumb ? it's been allready a pretty long time since I keep 
    >looking for somebody to explain why does the gcc alocate space in this 
    4 chars = 4 bytes = 32 bits
    8 chars = 8 bytes = 64 bits
    Unsurprisingly, it looks like GCC is trying to be more efficient when 
    operating on variables or structures that align across 2^n (hardware 
    boundries / programmer fetish).  My guess, completely pulled out of my 
    ass, is that non-2^n stuff is thrown on the stack inline with all 
    metadata, while 2^n stuff has all the metadata piled on in the beginning 
    with pointers to actual data.  So to read a bunch of vars, you just do a 
    mass copy, instead of repeatedly skipping around.
    I don't do much with stacksmashing, but that's what I assume is going on.

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