strange man behavior

From: Ron Sweeney (sweenat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 09:34:20 PDT

  • Next message: Rob Pickering: "Re: strange man behavior"

    sween@attaway:~$ man -V
    man, version 2.3.20, 07 September 2001
    sween@attaway:~$ uname -a
    Linux attaway 2.2.20 #1 Sat Apr 20 11:45:28 EST 2002 i586 unknown
    sween@attaway:~$ man /dev/random
    Reformatting random, please wait...
    man: command exited with status 2: /usr/bin/zsoelim /dev/random |
    /usr/bin/tbl | /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tlatin1 | exec /usr/bin/pager -s
    more weirdness with other binaries, /bin/sh and /dev/urandom...
    not sure what to think of this yet...exploitable?
    this condition does ! exist on FreeBSD, HPUX or Solaris.
    your thoughts?
     ---  -sween
    | M |
     ---  "TYPE HARD OR GO HOME." | US Patent, US4118611

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