exploiting printers, home routers & smb routers

From: chrisdat_private
Date: Thu Aug 22 2002 - 08:09:06 PDT

  • Next message: Stan Bubrouski: "Re: exploiting printers, home routers & smb routers"

    I read the black hat presentation on exploiting printers:
    , good stuff & a real eye opener!
    I started thinking ..., I'm no hardware expert but couldn't this be
    modified & applied to all the home & small business routers ??? (linksys,
    smc, d-link, etc ...)
    As we all know so many of them are:
    - can be configured through a web interface
    - their default config is not changed
    - are accessible through inet (lack of config)
    - keep their default accounts (lack of config)
    - new firmware can be uploaded
    My question, could something similar to exploiting printers be done to
    routers or would the hardware be totally incompatible ?

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