Weak Password Encryption Scheme in MS SQL Server

From: K. K. Mookhey (ctoat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 23:38:33 PST

  • Next message: Michael Katz: "Re: Firewall bypassing tool"

    Advisory: Weak Password Encryption Scheme (Modified) in MS SQL Server
    Software: SQL Server, All Versions
    Severity: Low
    Vendor: Microsoft, http://www.microsoft.com
    Type of Vulnerability: Weak Password Encryption
    Author: K. K. Mookhey (ctoat_private)
    Company: Network Intelligence India Pvt. Ltd. http://www.nii.co.in
    Date: 2nd November 2002
    Original Discovery: David Litchfield http://www.nextgenss.com
    Original Paper: http://www.nextgenss.com/papers/tp-SQL2000.pdf
    MS SQL Server has two means of authenticating users. One uses Windows
    Authentication, and the other is the built-in SQL Authentication (which
    includes the 'sa' account). The passwords for the SQL Authentication are
    sent over the network using a very weak password encryption method. This was
    first mentioned in David Litchfield's paper "Threat Profiling Microsoft SQL
    In his paper, Mr. Litchfield states that the password is encrypted by
    first converting it into UNICODE and then performing a simple XOR operation.
    I quote directly from there:
    "Network Sniffing
    When a user connects to an SQL Server and authenticates as an SQL login, as
    opposed to a Windows NT/2000 user, their login name and password are sent
    across the network wire in what is tantamount to clear text. The
    'encryption' scheme used to hide the password is a simple bitwise XOR
    operation. The password is converted to a wide character format, or UNICODE,
    and each byte XOR'd with a constant fixed value of 0xA5. Of course, this is
    easy to work out because every second byte of the 'encrypted' password on
    the wire 0xA5 and we know that the password is in UNICODE with every second
    byte being a NULL and when any number is XOR'd with 0 (or NULL) the result
    is the same: 0x41 xor 0x00 = 0x41, 0xA5 xor 0x00 = 0xA5."
    However, there is a slight inaccuracy in this description which we detail
    below. We have determined that the actual XORing method involves an
    additional step.
    Step 1: Password is converted into UNICODE
    Additional Step 2: For each byte of the password, the four Most Significant
    Bits (MSB)
    are swapped with the four Least Significant Bits (LSB)
    Step 3. This modified byte is then XORed with 0xA5.
    In the case of the alternating UNICODE 0x00, swapping the 4 MSB with the 4
    LSB does
    not make a difference. But for the rest of the bytes, it does.
    Vendor Response:
    We did not contact the vendor, Microsoft as this is not exactly something
    new. However, we did contact Mr. Litchfield informing him about the slight
    modification to his original statement in his whitepaper. We did not receive
    any response from him.
    Suggested Workarounds:
    There is nothing new to be done here, other than that which ought to be done
    when hardening an MS SQL Server. Do NOT use the SQL Server Authentication.
    This is strongly recommended by Microsoft.
    This is more of an FYI Advisory. Just to keep things a bit more accurate.
    Other Information:
    This advisory is available online at http://www.nii.co.in/vuln/sqlpass.html
    We have used this method in our free tool 'forceSQL' which guess SQL Server
    Passwords using both Dictionary and Brute Force attacks. This is available
    for free download at http://www.nii.co.in/tools.html
    You may read our Vulnerability Disclosure Policy at
    Other advisories are at http://www.nii.co.in/research.html
    K. K. Mookhey
    Network Intelligence India Pvt. Ltd.
    Tel: 91-22-2001530, 2006019
    Email: ctoat_private
    Web: www.nii.co.in

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