XSS question.

From: VAM (thebigbadwolfat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 14:32:32 PST

  • Next message: Seymour, Keith: "RE: TOTAL WIRELESS SECURITY"

    Hey I am trying to figure out a way to exploit a webserver that is
    supposedly vulnerable to XSS. The issues are:
    1. </SCRIPT> gets converted into <\SCRIPT> in the server response.. for
    ScrIPT, etc too..
    2. img%20src remains img%20src in the response.. (the server does no
    so, I am not able to make IE/others execute the javascript embedded in
    there. Is there any other way/ways of invoking javascript in the HTML
    response from the server.. e.g. any other single-worded HTML tag etc that
    can do something like what <img src=javascript:alert("hello")> does.. ?

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