Windows reverse Shell

From: NetNinja (netninjaat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 11:37:45 PST

  • Next message: Philip Stoev: "Possible DOS against search engines?"

    Hello guys,
    David Litchfield in his Blackhat talk, talked about using socket handle
    from WSASocket() and pass that handle as a parameter to stdin, stdout
    and stderr for CreateProcess function. By doin this way his reverse
    cmd shellcode becomes much smaller. I tried coding that reverse
    command shell in C, but couldnt get it to work. It simply connects to
    my listening netcat listener and then disconnects. David Litchfield
    used 4 functions to achieva that WSASocket, bind, connect and
    CreateProcess. A lil help would b appreciated on building this reverse
    cmd shell. thanx.
    Best regards,
     Adik                         mailto:netninjaat_private

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