Outlook Crashing, and not asking for password

From: Elkhatib, Ahmad (khatibat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 22:51:13 PST

  • Next message: Michael Wojcik: "RE: Outlook Crashing, and not asking for password"

    Hello List, 
    I was using MS Outlook 2002 to check my email on an exchange server, and
    when I tried to paste a long text message it crashed. Now that's not
    surprising since Outlook is weird like that. The surprising part is that
    when I got the dialog asking whether I want to report the error or not,
    and restart Outlook; I chose to report, and then restart. At this point
    it never asked me for my password again and just restarted Outlook and
    logged back into my inbox. Is this expected behavior ? the fact that it
    logged back into my inbox without asking for a password after it crashed
    really worries me. 
    any ideas ? comments ? 

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