Re: ptrace in linux kernel

From: D.C. van Moolenbroek (xanaduat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 14:36:11 PST

  • Next message: Pavel Kankovsky: "Re: Backup Agents"

    Linux uses PIDs sequentially: if the last spawned process was assigned pid
    N, then the next spawned process will be assigned pid N+1, starting from 1
    and wrapping to 300 at 32768.
    That means you can easily "guess" the PID of a kernel process: for example,
    spawn a child in your exploit program, then start the kernel process (eg.
    using a socket() call with an unused protocol, as seen in a few exploits),
    and the kernel process will _probably_ have a PID equal to the PID of the
    child plus one.
    Of course, this will go wrong when there is another process created in the
    meantime - and that is far from theoretical on a system with lots of
    activity. However, this is easy to detect, because the ptrace attach
    operation will fail in that case.
    "Marcus Tangermann" wrote:
    > As far as I understand the problem with the ptrace bug in the linux
    > kernel you can ptrace a spawned process for module loading
    > before the EUID of the process (that is orginaly the same as
    > of the parent) is changed to 0. But how can I geht the PID of
    > the spawned process?
    > Best regards
    > Marcus
    class sig{static void main(String[]s){for// D.C. van Moolenbroek
    (int _=0;19>_;System.out.print((char)(52^// (CS student, VU, NL)
    "Y`KbddaZ}`P#KJ#caBG".charAt(_++)-9)));}}// -Java sigs look bad-

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