Re: NetBIOS could be used as network flood amplier

From: L. Walker (k_anedaat_private)
Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 14:33:40 PDT

  • Next message: distoageat_private: "nokia calendar memory errors"

    Just moving this to vuln-dev before the bugtraq admin eats us.
    I've seen similar 'things' to what your referring to.. I understand what
    you mean by using NetBIOS's replies to takedown a host or two.
    Back a while ago on the list, someone pointed out that games such as
    'Battlefield 1942', which utilise GameSpy on UDP, could easily be used
    to attack hosts when sending a <100 byte packet would result in a 2K
    Guess Microsoft has some more patching to do.
    L. Walker
    BOFH Excuse #385: Dyslexics retyping hosts file on servers
    If one wants to be a policeman, one must learn how to be a thief.
    That's why we spend so much time trying to understand our own
    and those of others.  That's what makes life so interesting.
       Kaji, Evangelion Ep 18

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