file hiding under Linux

From: sam_secat_private
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 13:31:56 PDT

  • Next message: avelat_private: "Re: exploiting a binary if %edi can be overwritten?"

    First off I'd like to apologise for my inaptness but I'm new to hacking,
    but I'm also, or so I'm told, very creative (switched from a humanities major to CS) and am
    full of new ideas that I'd like to
    discuss and get feedback on. Ok so I've been working on filehiding for the
    linux operating system ( that you can download for free
    and is very popular. But you probably all know this. I was wondering,
    would it be possible to abuse the linux enviroment to make legitemit users
    think a certain file was not present. Like, you can set the enviroment
    variable $PATH to something like "/tmp". In the bourne again shell version
    2.05b one can use "export" to set enviroment variables. There might be
    other techniques but my Linux course hasn't covered them yet. I'm open for
    ideas though. This technique only works for executing binaries, listing
    the directory will still find it.
    So for hiding the binaries in /usr/bin an example would be:
    $ export PATH="/tmp"
    $ ls
    -bash: ls: command not found
    $ echo "hid all files in /usr/bin"
    hid all files in /usr/bin
    $ whereis echo
    -bash: whereis: command not found
    So basically I'm building on this, I'd love some feedback and maybe how to
    implement this technique in other scenarios.
    With regards,

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