Re: GetPC code (was: Shellcode from ASCII)

From: Gerardo Richarte (geraat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 13:15:17 PDT

  • Next message: Roland Postle: "Re: GetPC code (was: Shellcode from ASCII)"

    Roland Postle wrote:
    > 8B01           MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
    > C701 5B53C341  MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],41C3535B
    > E8 D8DFBD7F    CALL 7FFDFED0
    > 8901           MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX],EAX
        Heh, nice solution, pretty similar to what we had once... as you
    said, NT specific, but could be done in linux probably, using a fixed
    address in the range 0x40xxxxxx... but then, the main problem is
    that none of them will work (I'm sorry). The call 7ffdfed0 is relative
    to your current location, so, either you already know your address,
    or you can't do the call :-(
        It's really a mind puzzle, really funny too
        So... our real solution is not like this, but is also win specific.
    > First thoughts on the second challenge: You can't use any of the call
    > opcodes, but you might be able to setup a quick exception handler in
    > the known mapped space. Cause a fault, and then find the address of
    > your fault causing instruction in the structure that's passed. (Again
    > I'm talking NT).
        I'm not sure this could be done (same problem) but, keep this in mind anyway :-) [hint]

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