[ISN] G8 Summit Gets Cybercrime Briefing

From: mea culpa (jerichoat_private)
Date: Sat May 16 1998 - 02:59:44 PDT

  • Next message: mea culpa: "[ISN] Links to AES sumbission announcements"

    From: Simon Gardner <juniperat_private>
    Posted To: aaa-listat_private
    By JOHN MORRISON, Reuters
    LONDON (May 14, 1998 12:32 p.m. EDT) - Leaders of the Group of Eight 
    nations will interrupt their summit meeting this weekend for a video 
    presentation by a senior British detective on high-tech computer battles 
    between international criminals and police.
    Chief Constable Roy Penrose, Director-General of Britain's newly formed 
    National Crime Squad, will speak for 10 minutes to the eight world leaders 
    and show them video clips based on real cases.
    The fight against international crime is one of the items Prime Minister 
    Tony Blair has picked out for the Birmingham meeting from May 15-17.
    "What he will be showing them is trailblazing stuff," a British official 
    said. "It involves ensuring that electronic data can be processed and used 
    as evidence to bring criminals to justice."
    Last year's summit in Denver, Colorado put electronic crime on the agenda 
    and this year the eight leaders will be giving an extra push to work 
    already under way to cooperate against international crime syndicates.
    Officials said they wanted to highlight the issues involved and broaden 
    support for international crime-fighting outside the G8 and the 15-nation 
    European Union.
    Penrose's briefing will show how criminals are increasingly using 
    international e-mail and computer links to conduct their activities, and 
    how law enforcement bodies can hit back.
    High-tech crime also involves money laundering, theft, fraud and child 
    pornography across national borders.
    Finance ministers of the G7, meeting without the eighth member Russia, 
    agreed last Saturday in London to step up the fight against international 
    financial crime, which Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown 
    described as "one of the major challenges of our time."
    "We can only tackle it successfully if governments work together to combat 
    it as effectively as increasingly sophisticated criminals work together to 
    commit it," Brown told journalists.
    This weekend's discussions on crime will review progress on a package of 
    measures approved at a meeting of G8 interior and justice ministers in 
    Washington last December.
    British Home Secretary Jack Straw said after that meeting: "The challenge 
    is from moving one step behind these criminals to being one step ahead."
    All G8 countries have agreed to review their legal codes to make sure 
    there are adequate penalties against "cybercrime."
    Each nation has committed itself to develop faster ways to trace attacks 
    by computer hackers and to try criminals on their own territory when 
    extradition is not possible.
    Straw said one of the problems governments had to address was that one 
    person could "commit crimes in a number of different countries without 
    having to move out of an armchair."
    Governments are also working to ensure that computer criminals cannot 
    commit the perfect crime by destroying electronic evidence before police 
    catch up with them.
    Straw told journalists at the Washington meeting that computer expertise 
    was vital in combating old-fashioned crimes such as drug dealing, armed 
    robberies and trafficking in people:
    "The criminals ... then have to move the proceeds of crime and launder the 
    money. And it's at this point that old-fashioned crime turns into 21st 
    century crime." 
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    [Copyright © 1998 Reuters News Service]
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