Re: [ISN] MS to force IT-security censorship

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Tue Nov 06 2001 - 01:50:23 PST

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    Forwarded from: Darren Reed <darrenrat_private>
    Subject: Re: [ISN] MS to force IT-security censorship
    In some email I received from InfoSec News, sie wrote:
    > Worse, we have here a recipe for establishing a monopoly on
    > vulnerability data like the little cabal of greedy insiders who
    > run the anti-virus industry, and who control access to information
    > with a stranglehold which protects nothing so much as their
    > revenue stream.
    The question you have to ask yourself is this: is the information M$
    will be providing any better than what you get via bugtraq ?  If the
    M$ information is still largely dependant on independant people
    reporting things to M$ as well as bugtraq, it's hard to see how they
    are adding anything of value.  If M$ are so intent on creating a
    special class of priviledged users then they may well find themselves
    on the raw end of the stick - getting reports after (or at the same
    time as) bugtraq or some other forum specifically setup for this
    That is unless there have been (a) gaping huge security holes which
    have not been found by hackers and have been closed, on the quiet, by
    M$ or (b) reports of such which have gone to M$ and not bugtraq.
    Microsoft is forgetting, I think, who they owe their bug reports to
    and that is to say it's largely not Microsoft's internal R&D.
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