Subject: Re: [Btech] Next Toasted Clan? From: "gareth hanrahan" <hanrahagat_private> Date: 1998/05/17 Message-ID: <6jnkn5$7p8$1-rgmat_private> Newsgroups: [More Headers] [Subscribe to] Chris "Ken3" Thompson wrote in message <355E7B2F.789C-rgmat_private>... >>> 3) Victor kicks the bucket, at Katherine's order. > >gareth hanrahan wrote: > >> I think Omi will be the one to die. Two scenarios - >> 1. The Kuritans do it, but Victor blames Kat, and launches an >> invasion of the LA. >> 2. Kat does it, Victor blames Kuritan purists. It wrecks the FC/DC >> accord. > > T'ain't gonna happen, buddy boy. At least not IMHO. > >Q: What would Katherine gain by killing Omi? >A: She'd hurt Victor. > >Q: What would she /lose/ by killing Omi? >A: Her nation, her position, and her life. Not if scenario 2 happens. She waits until the Draconis March breaks with the FC, then has Omi killed. Victor goes nuts and orders an invasion... (anything is better than the increasingly sickening Omi/Victor relationship....) > Katherine may be the NG's favorite person to hate (and mine too), but >she's not stupid. She has yet to do anything dumb out of spite or malice >that didn't further her own goals. I agree completely. > And if you think she could somehow >kill off Omi without being found out... again, never happen. She only >managed to keep everyone from finding out she killed her mother for so >long because a) it was an internal operation (no having to infiltrate >operatives & supplies, etc), and b) she kept the people who knew about >it to an absolute minimum - probably just her, Tormano, and /maybe/ one >or two others. Hang on a sec. 1. Tormano had no real connection with her till much later. 2. Kat wasn't acting alone. Ryan was on her side (that's why she had Victor kill him, and is sending agents after Newmark and that other guy....) She quite possibly has the anti-Davion elements of the LOKI on her side. 3. The Kell Hounds would on her side if it were not for a chance conversation between Morgan Kell and Melissa. > I can see her trying to axe Yvonne while Victor's gone, though - it >would gain her the other half of the FedCom, and there's still enough >lingering anti-Kurita sentiment to allow her to blame them. She wouldn't kill Yvonne unless it was necessary. She's more likely to try and convince Yvonne that Victor is a murderer, or bad for the FC or something... >She could >then expose the fact that the Kuritans had treated with the Clans (the >Nova Cats), which would give her ample ground for claiming that the >Kuritans were attempting to break up the IS for the Clans in return for >a piece of the action once they re-established their own Star League. Maybe...but she is seen as having founded the Star League, and the Nova Cats are surrendering to her Star League. She could probably pull it off though... >Hell, the people of the FedCom would welcome her with open arms. Plus >this all sets up Victor joining the Combine/ARDC/Clans-in-exile (Wolf >and NC) in fighting to regain his throne. I like that idea...hey, Kat hires the Dragoons again, and we finally get Kell Hounds vs Wolf's Dragoons.... >> The real question is, what does Thomas want? >> Hang on a sec - Thomas is a ComStar agent from the days when ComStar >> were anti-tech. >> He wants a return to feudalism, and a lot of "Ideal War" (the KoIS >> novel) has Thomas moaning about the new technology. Maybe the >> double's mission is to prevent the exploitation of SL-era tech? > > Honestly, I have to wonder if the double was placed by the Myndo >Waterly faction of ComStar. Seems to me he's not doing anything that >would have furthered her goals - hell, he's /building/ the recovered >technology for everyone else, even after the WoBbies moved in. He's not happy about it though. Plus, he would have had to reinforce the IS to prevent it getting torn up by the Clans before Operation Scorpion could take place. >My pet >theory is that he was placed by a faction opposed to Waterly - either to >increase stability to frustrate her plans, or to simply maintain the >status quo. I mean, it's not like ComStar was doing badly, even after >the Gray Death memory core was recovered. Also, it seems like Myndo >didn't know he was a double - when she was outlining the plans for >Operation Scorpion, she listed him as a nuisance along with Hanse Davion >and Theodore Kurita. I wonder when the Double plotline was created by FASA? If it was only made up during the writing of Bred for War, then some of the older books might have inconsistencies.... >Seems to me if he was a double placed by her or her >people, she'd be pretty sure of her control over him. Maybe he's a sleeper agent. The double might not know he's not Thomas....but he's got implanted programming which will be activated at some point... Gareth
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