Re: [IWAR] BLO more silliness

From: Mark Hedges (hedgesat_private)
Date: Sun May 24 1998 - 18:45:12 PDT

  • Next message: Mark Hedges: "[IWAR]"

    Speaking of art and infowar...
    Hey did you ever hear of @rtmark or BLO (Barbie Liberation Organization)?
    I can get a hold of the BLO gorilla socio-info-war video if anyone wants
    a copy badly enough to send $20 (expenses plus lunch) -- includes news
    footage clips. Request by email.
    BLO used contacts in the U.S. and Europe to purchase approximately 800
    Talking Barbie dolls and talking G.I. Joe dolls, switch the voiceboxes,
    and return them to the store with a "call your local TV news" sticker
    affixed to the back of the package, whence the dolls resold.
    G.I. Joe said things like "I like shopping!" and "Math is tough!" (really)
    and Talking Barbie said things like "DIE, COBRA, DIE!! *rat-tat-tat-tat*".
    @rtmark and BLO to this day remain anonymous. BLO made news all over. 
    Talking Barbie attracted enough negative attention to her sterotyped,
    degrading statements that it didn't sell much (did they pull the product?
    I forget.)  G.I. Joe went on blasting the bad guys who always safely
    ejected out of their vehicles. @rtmark's still up to trouble-making...
    they have a web site somewhere. They offer money (as much as $2000) for
    completing projects. 
    On Sun, 24 May 1998, 7Pillars Partners wrote:
    >At least the domain name is appropriate.  M
    >---------- Forwarded message ----------
    >Date: Sun, 24 May 1998 21:37:17 +0200
    >From: owner-infowar-enat_private

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