Re: in.telnetd bug (linux)

From: Aaron Campbell (aaronat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 27 1997 - 13:22:51 PST

  • Next message: moOd: "Linux inetd.."

    This post made me a little curious so I did some investigating.
    I tried setting my TERM variable: export TERM="../../../home/fx/mytermfile"
    (I needed to move three parent directories backward to the root directory
    since on my Slackware box the database is located in /usr/lib/terminfo.)
    [16:24:42] aaron@ug:~$ export TERM="../../../home/fx/mytermfile"
    [16:24:53] aaron@ug:~$ telnet XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
    Trying XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX...
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    [16:25:21] aaron@ug:~$
    Examination of the /core file dumped by in.telnetd (strings core) revealed
    this line:
    It was cut off. Notice there is apparantly enough room for ../../../tmp/x
    cp /usr/lib/terminfo/v/vt100 /tmp/x
    Set our TERM variable again: export TERM="../../../tmp/x"
    Trying XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX...
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Linux 2.0.32.
    It worked. This also works:
    cp /usr/lib/terminfo/v/vt100 /home/fx/vt100
    ln -s /home/fx/vt100 /tmp/x
    ...and using the same TERM variable, in.telnetd will acknowledge the
    copied /home/fx/vt100 terminfo file.
    So the question is, how dangerous could a user-supplied terminfo file be?
      .  _  _  _ _ . .   _ _ .  . _  _  _ . .
     :  |-||-||<|_||\|  |_|-||\/||-'|->|_-|_|_  Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

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