Re: Oddities in RH 5.0

From: Frank Sweetser (rasmusinat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 28 1997 - 11:31:09 PST

  • Next message: King O' Fun: "Re: Oddities in RH 5.0"

    ==> Regarding Oddities in RH 5.0; Tres Melton <tresat_private> adds:
    tres> Please forgive me if this post is not appropriate for either of these
    tres> two groups since I just joined redhat-list and this is my first post
    tres> to either redhat or bugtraq (except for a previous plea for help that
    tres> Aleph One answered on BUGTRAQ).
    tres> I have Redhat 5.0 (that came with an Applixware update) and have
    tres> installed it on my system.  I have run pwconv to change to shadowed
    tres> passwords.  This is an extremly limited installation (nothing checked
    tres> on the install options).  I have then added only certain packages
    tres> (some binary and some source).  I have installed the shadow-utils and
    tres> passwd SRPMS as well.
    tres> If I run "useradd -p pass1 test1" I get the oddest thing in
    tres> /etc/shadow:
    tres> test1:pass1:10223:0:99999:7:::
    This does look like a bug.  Try reporting it to bugsat_private and
    hurricane-listat_private, that's where such reports should go.
    tres> /etc/shadow: test2:!:10223:0:99999:7::: /etc/passwd:
    tres> test2:x:502:502::/home/test:/bin/bash
    tres> looks cool so far right?  Now run "passwd test2" and set the
    tres> password. Now the entries read like so:
    tres> /etc/shadow: test2:!:10223:0:99999:7::: /etc/passwd:
    tres> test2:R0KYaK5ivSnk6:501:501::/home/test2:/bin/bash
    tres> Seems to me like it updated the wrong file.
    You need to add the shadow argument to the line in
    /etc/pam.d/passwd, so it looks something like this:
    auth       required     /lib/security/ shadow nullok
    account    required     /lib/security/
    password   required     /lib/security/ retry=3
    password   required     /lib/security/ shadow use_authtok nullok
    Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at | PGP key available RedHat 5.0  Linux 2.0.33    i586   | at public servers
    Coach: Can I draw you a beer, Norm?
    Norm:  No, I know what they look like.  Just pour me one.
                    -- Cheers, No Help Wanted

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