Re: Serious bug in "radius" dialup authentication software

From: James Sneeringer (jvsat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 22 1998 - 22:23:17 PST

  • Next message: Mark M Marko: "FoolProof Insecurities"

    On Sun, 22 Feb 1998, Marco S Hyman wrote:
    | Look at radius.h in the original Livingston code.  You'll see:
    | #define AUTH_STRING_LEN         128     /* maximum of 254 */
    Based on some limited tested I did, PortMasters (ComOS 3.7.2) never send a
    username longer than 63 characters.  Incidentally, this is the lowest
    maximum length recommended by RFC 2058 (section 5.1).
    I think it likely that some NAS vendor out there has (or had) a seriously
    broken RADIUS implementation, such that it ends up passing some pretty
    funky data to radiusd.
    It would help if the original poster could also specify the make and model
    of the NAS tested on, and what OS version is was running.

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