Re: FreeBSD getpass "feature"

From: Guido van Rooij (Guido.vanRooijat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 26 1998 - 00:09:32 PST

  • Next message: Dave: "Re: Q2-wrapper make Quake2 behave"

    Brian Macke wrote:
    > I just verified this on our servers... it appears to only affect the 2.2
    > series kernel, and not 2.1 and lower. For 2.1, even with multiple intr's,
    > it will not echo the password.
    > Did Guido have any ideas on what changed in the 2.2 series to warrant
    > this?
    Yes. See the cvs log on
    You want to look at rev 1.4
    It was broken in an attempt to have proper signal handling in getpass().

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