Samba problems

From: Drago (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Sun May 10 1998 - 09:43:32 PDT

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    While browsing the samba sources a while ago I noticed a problems in a few
    areas of the reply handling to file requests.  I just took a look at the
    latest source code (samba-1.9.18p5) and found the same problems that I
    saw in the previous release.  A possible buffer overflow exists in many
    area's of the code.
    smb.h:typedef char pstring[1024];
    reply.c - reply_mv(char *inbuf,char *outbuf,int dum_size, int dum_buffsize):3066
            3200: pstring fname;
    *       3206: sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",directory,dname);
    I have seen alot of issues about strcpy() and how strncpy() should be used
    instead.  Very few times have I seen anything about sprintf()/snprintf()
    which also has the same issues that people have with strcpy() as far as
    buffer overflows go.  An easy fix for this is to simply change line 3206
    to use snprintf().  In many other area's of reply.c are the same problems
    that are in reply_mv (reply_unlink(), and a few others).
    I would recommend that you kill samba until a patch is released or patch
    it yourself if you know how rewrite it correctly.
    Someone feel free to try this against a windows machine, I haven't had a
    chance to try it.  The program I included can be used to test a mounted
    samba fs.
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